Tag Archives: repeal the 8th

Confusion and Lack of Clarity Affected Outcome of Citizens’ Assembly Vote Today, says Abortion Rights Campaign.

The campaign is concerned about the process which lead to vote to replace, rather than repeal, the 8th Amendment, but also welcomes the broad call for change by the members…

Citizens Assembly cover

Abortion Rights Campaign Submission to the Citizens’ Assembly

  The Abortion Rights Campaign is the largest grassroots pro-choice organisation in Ireland. In the attached document, which represents the first half of our submission, we have outlined the reasons…

Why I’m marching by Sharon Davis

  You know that moment when someone judges you or your sister or your friend because they think they “know better” than you…oh wait, if you live in Ireland and…

Why I march by @Ciarabelles

As always, abortion remains a topical subject in Ireland. Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, it doesn’t really matter, what does is that the subject is always there. As I’m largely…