Tag Archives: blog

Justice scales

Fatal Foetal Abnormality

A search of the Wiley Online Library (a database of academic resources available online) for the term “fatal foetal abnormality” produces 2649 results. Searching for the American spelling “fatal fetal…

image of banner march

More and more voices join the call to repeal the eight

On October 7th, the 32nd anniversary of the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), the largest civil society body in Ireland, called for…

Why I’m Marching – I can’t vote, and I can’t travel by Emily Waszak

In this series of blogposts, pro-choice people tell us why they are marching in order to encourage those who may be thinking about coming to their first March on September…


I’m Marching for a Better Future by Caoimhe Doyle

In this series of blogposts, pro-choice people tell us why they are marching in order to encourage those who may be thinking about coming to their first March on September…

Come write for us

Before the last annual March for Choice we asked for you to share your story of coming to the March. The responses we got from a range of pro-choice people…