Tag Archives: blog

Graphic of a pack of contraceptive pills, an interunterine device and a condom. ARC logo underneath.

Let’s talk about: why we need free contraception

In this blog post from our ‘Let’s talk about’ series, we talk about why ‘free, safe and legal’ is crucial for more than just abortion, and the importance of removing…

Let’s Talk About: Mandatory Waiting Periods

  After we repeal the 8th Amendment this summer, the government will face the task of defining access to abortion care. In this blogpost, we examine one kind of regulation…

Explainer: Government Calls for Repeal and New Provision to Legislate for Abortion

Explainer: Government Calls for Repeal and New Provision to Legislate for Abortion The Abortion Rights Campaign has been calling for a referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment since its foundation….

Blog: Please vote in the referendum, because I cannot

In this guest blog, Lorelei Fox-Roberts talks about how, despite living here for 26 years, she is ineligible to vote in next year’s referendum on the Eighth Amendment, and how important…

Why I march: How can we say we value motherhood when so many see it as a punishment?

How can we say we value motherhood when so many see it as a punishment? What would happen if we, as a nation, really appreciated the Irish mammy? Women of…