Tag Archives: Stigma

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What an abortion provider would tell the Citizens Assembly

This story was shared with the [email protected] email address and posted here with permission.  I have many stories tell, but I none of them are my own. I am responsible…

Why I’m marching by Sharon Davis

  You know that moment when someone judges you or your sister or your friend because they think they “know better” than you…oh wait, if you live in Ireland and…

Press release: UN Human Rights Committee says Ireland’s prohibition on abortion violates human rights

In a landmark judgment today in the case of Amanda Jane Mellet v Ireland, the United Nations Human Rights Committee found that Ireland’s prohibition on abortion, in itself, violates human…

family gif

June 1st is Global Day of Parents

Today, 1 June, is the Global Day of Parents, and a good opportunity to set the record straight on something: abortion is not something people resort to in an attempt…