March on May Day with the Abortion Rights Campaign

Members of the Abortion Rights Campaign will join the the annual May Day March taking place in Dublin today. Our struggle is part of the broader workers’ struggle for justice and…

Question your Candidate!

On May 23rd, many of you will cast your vote and decide which candidates will represent us on the local councils and in the European Parliament. Some of our election candidates…

Want to have fun this summer and help us raise some money?

The Abortion Rights Campaign is a grassroots organization. We didn’t get any seed money to start up, we don’t have large corporate donors, we don’t get people throwing gala benefits…

Monthly Roundup: A Second Irish Abortion Case Heading to the UN Human Rights Committee, Repealing the 8th, and a Call for Universal Access

Welcome to the ARC News Roundup, where each month our media team will highlight how abortion is discussed at home and abroad. This month we’ll look at the Center for Reproductive…

Myth #8: Ireland is ‘pro-life’ (because it’s a Catholic country)

  Welcome to Day 8 of ‘8 Days – 8 Reasons to Repeal the 8th’, where each day running to International Women’s Day, Abortion Rights Campaign have been busting 1…