Myth #3: Criminalising abortion ensures a low abortion rate

Welcome to Day 3 of ‘8 Days-8 Reasons to Repeal the 8th’ where each day running to International Women’s Day, Abortion Rights Campaign we will be busting 1 common myth…

Myth #2: Abortion causes emotional problems

Welcome to Day 2 of the ‘8 Days-8 Reasons to Repeal the 8th’ where each day running to International Women’s Day, Abortion Rights Campaign we will be busting 1 common…

Myth #1: Ireland is ‘abortion-free’

Each day starting today and running to International Women’s Day, Abortion Rights Campaign will be busting 1 common myth about abortion in Ireland. So check back here for tomorrow’s myth…

Invisible people have invisible rights: Janet Ní Shuilleabháin talks about her abortion

Janet Ní Shuilleabháin, “pagan, feminist, activist, gamer, geek and parent with two teenagers” was selected to curate the @Ireland twitter account for a week beginning February 10th 2014. During that period she…

Abortion Rights Campaign hosts examination of abortion and censorship in Irish media

The Abortion Rights Campaign will host Too Loud a Silence: Abortion and Censorship in Irish Media – a screening of the controversial documentary 50,000 Secret Journeys followed by a panel…