Guidelines fall far short of safeguarding pregnant women’s lives

Following the story broken by the Irish Times on Thursday July 3rd, the Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) acknowledged the publishing of guidelines on the implementation of the Protection of Life…

Monthly Roundup: Irish Abortion in the UK, Gallardón’s Law in Spain and Buffer zones in the US

Welcome to the ARC News Roundup – where each month our media team examines how abortion is discussed at home and abroad. The UK Department of Health statistics revealed that…

What the Numbers Don’t Tell Us: Irish Abortion in the UK in 2013

3,679 women gave Irish addresses when having an abortion in the UK last year; still a staggering 70 women a week, but the numbers don’t tell the whole story. The statistics are…

Monthly Roundup: Appeal Panels in the ROI, London High Court Ruling & Stigma Busting

Welcome to the ARC News Roundup, where each month our media team highlight how abortion is discussed at home and abroad. This month we look at abortion appeal panels in…

“That was then, this is now”

– The persistent lie that oppression is a thing of the past When talking about the death and disposal of 800 children in a septic tank in Tuam, our Taoiseach Enda Kenny said that…