Category Archives: Breaking Silence

Whats next

So we repealed the 8th – what’s next?

  It’s been an incredible few weeks for the Irish nation as we voted by a resounding margin to repeal the 8th amendment from the Constitution. But there is still…

Shame image

Sharing stories: I was either going to die by suicide whilst pregnant or I was having an abortion

  As part of our Citizens Assembly submission we gathered the real stories of real women who had been affected by the 8th Amendment. Now, as we approach the referendum to remove…

Sharing stories: some illnesses were sympathised with and some had to be kept shamefully secret

As part of our Citizens Assembly submission we gathered the real stories of real women who had been affected by the 8th Amendment. Now, as we approach the referendum to remove the…

Sharing Stories: I felt like I was doing it all in secret

As part of our Citizens Assembly submission we gathered the real stories of real women who had been affected by the 8th Amendment. Now, as we approach the referendum to remove the…


Sharing stories: What excuse could I use to justify being hospitalised

As part of our Citizens Assembly submission we gathered the real stories of real women who had been affected by the 8th Amendment. Now, as we approach the referendum to remove the…