Tag Archives: conscientious objection

Paola Rivetti

Let’s Talk About: What We Can Learn from Italy about “conscientious objection”

My name is Paola Rivetti and I am a member of MERJ: Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice. We formed some months before the referendum with the goal of…

refusal of care hands

Let’s talk about: the refusal to provide abortion care, or ‘conscientious objection’

  In this blog post, we talk about why the refusal to provide medical treatment harms pregnant people and what needs to be done to support medical professionals in the…

Debate image

Let’s Talk About: The Abortion Legislation Being Debated In The Dáil Right Now

  The Oireachtas is currently debating the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018 which will legislate for abortion in Ireland, as we voted for in May. The Bill…

Refusal of care image

Let’s Talk About: Refusals to Provide Abortion Care on Grounds of Conscience

We all deserve timely, local healthcare. After we repeal the 8th we will need to ensure that the law does not contain obstacles to our healthcare. The prospect of doctors…