Tag Archives: activism


I’m Marching for a Better Future by Caoimhe Doyle

In this series of blogposts, pro-choice people tell us why they are marching in order to encourage those who may be thinking about coming to their first March on September…

4th Annual March for Choice

The 4th Annual March for Choice will take place in Dublin on Saturday September 26th marking the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. The landslide…

4th Annual March for Choice

The 4th Annual March for Choice will take place in Dublin on Saturday September 26th marking the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. The landslide…

Ask me about my pro-choice activism: Angela Coraccio

Being involved in and caring about pro-choice activism sometimes feels gauche and illicit. It feels, ironically, unfeminine. I have often feared for my safety. As such, I don’t generally put…