Category Archives: Free Safe Legal


Let’s Talk About: Privacy and Abortion

The legislation currently being debated in the Oireachtas will determine our ability to access abortion care for years to come, so it is essential that we work together to get…

Gibraltar map

ARC Submission on the Command Paper on Abortion, Gibraltar

Below is a submission made to the Government of Gibraltar by the Abortion Rights Campaign on the Command Paper on Abortion on 28th September 2018. The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC)…

The Struggle is Real: Activism in Rural Ireland

Most of us don’t know any different. It’s far from super-fast fibre-optic broadband we were reared. And don’t talk to us about mobile phone coverage; standing in a window to…

Dáil vote of 102 Yeses to 6 Nos

Press release: Dail vote welcome but issues with legislation must be resolved

ARC welcomes today’s Dáil vote of 102 Yeses to 6 Nos, which brings the Health Bill to committee stage, but reiterates problems with the legislation. Speaking this evening, ARC spokesperson…

Paola Rivetti

Let’s Talk About: What We Can Learn from Italy about “conscientious objection”

My name is Paola Rivetti and I am a member of MERJ: Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice. We formed some months before the referendum with the goal of…