ARC Blog

Tell us what you want from the #RepealReview

Posted on: 12 May, 2022
Posted in: Creative and Direct Action | Free Safe Legal | Opinion | Repeal the 8th | No Comments

To mark the fourth anniversary of Ireland repealing the 8th, we’re inviting you to share your hopes for the outcome of the review of the operation of the Health (Regulation…

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Press Release: National Maternity Hospital MUST be public and secular to protect reproductive rights, says Abortion Rights Campaign

Posted on: 11 May, 2022
Posted in: Free Safe Legal | Media | Press Release | No Comments

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) fully supports the Our Maternity Hospital Campaign’s call for a secular National Maternity Hospital built on public land.  “Despite the Minister for Health’s assurances that…

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Let’s Talk About: Why the National Maternity Hospital must be public and secular

Posted on: 10 May, 2022
Posted in: Blog | Creative and Direct Action | Getting involved | Opinion | No Comments

On the 14th of May 2022, a large crowd is expected outside Leinster House to protest against the government’s plan to hand over our new National Maternity Hospital to a…

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Letter to the Polish Ambassador: Abortion Dream Team activist Justyna Wydrzyńska faces charges for helping someone access abortion pills

Posted on: 06 Apr, 2022
Posted in: Blog | Creative and Direct Action | No Comments

Justyna Wydrzyńska is facing three years in prison in Poland for helping someone access abortion pills. Justyna is an activist with the Abortion Dream Team and is dedicated to ensuring…

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Press Release: Multiple changes needed to abortion legislation as we are still forcing people to travel, including a raped teenager, says Abortion Rights Campaign and Abortion Support Network

Posted on: 22 Mar, 2022
Posted in: Featured | Free Safe Legal | Media | Policy & Advocacy | Press Release | No Comments

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) today launched their public submission for the review of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018, urging the Government to decriminalise abortion in…

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Have your say on abortion.

Posted on: 12 Feb, 2022
Posted in: Creative and Direct Action | Featured | Getting involved | Policy & Advocacy | No Comments

The government has commenced the review process into Ireland’s abortion legislation.  Since abortion has been legalised many people have been able to access abortion here at home but others have…

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Press Release: Review of law MUST remove 3-day waiting period says Abortion Rights Campaign

Posted on: 08 Dec, 2021
Posted in: Media | Press Release | No Comments

“We are dismayed today to learn that the Minister for Health is announcing a review of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act that is so narrow in scope…

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Mandatory three day waiting period puts victims of violence and abuse in serious danger.

Posted on: 25 Nov, 2021
Posted in: Blog | Contact your TD | No Comments

The government has imposed the mandatory three day waiting period “to give women time to think over the decision”. This is not only unnecessary, as no-one makes important health decisions…

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Transphobia has no place in paper of record says Abortion Rights Campaign

Posted on: 20 Nov, 2021
Posted in: Featured | Media | Stigma | No Comments

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) voted today to join the Trans Writers’ Union boycott of the Irish Times. As a result, ARC will not share, read, pay for or write…

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Press Release: Abortion access in Ireland still fails to meet human rights standards, hears UN body.

Posted on: 09 Nov, 2021
Posted in: Featured | Free Safe Legal | Policy & Advocacy | Press Release | No Comments

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC), Abortion Support Network (ASN), and Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR) urge the United Nations to hold Ireland to account at the Universal Periodic Review for…

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