Budget image

Budgeting for Abortion Care 2019

Following the resounding referendum result to remove the 8th Amendment, Budget 2019 is the first opportunity the State has ever had to provide meaningful resources for abortion care. This is…

Ireland has repealed the 8th

Press release: More must be done to ensure truly accessible abortion care says Abortion Rights Campaign

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) welcomes the introduction of legislation that will legalise abortion, but say that much more needs to be done to ensure that abortion care is accessible…

ARC Submission on Abortion Legislation

Below is a submission made to the Government by the Abortion Rights Campaign on the Health (Regulation of the Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018 on October 3, 2018 Submission on the…

Tell your TD why we need Free, Safe, Legal abortion

Over the coming days and weeks, as the Dáil debates legislation outlining how abortion services will be provided in Ireland, it will be more crucial than ever to get out…

Luke Field

Why I’m Marching: We’ve come a long way, but we have further still to go

Luke is an academic and political activist based in Cork, and a member of Rebels4Choice, the Cork branch of the Abortion Rights Campaign. Here he shares his reasons for travelling…