Category Archives: Uncategorized

#GE2020 : Your voting FAQs

When is the election? There will be a general election, in other words a Dáil election, on Saturday, 8 February 2020. Do I need to be registered to vote? Yes….

Why I’m Marching: There is still a culture in Ireland of trying to shame women

As we look forward to this year’s March for Choice on September 28th, we are sharing written blogs and videos from our supporters about what this march means to them….

safe access zones

Let’s talk about: Why Safe Access Zones are urgently needed outside health care facilities providing abortion

When the people of Ireland voted for abortion services at home, we were promised those services would be safe and accessible. After a long history of shame and hypocrisy on…

Clare Daly, Dr Mary Favier, Cathie Shields, Gearóidín McEvoy, Paola Rivetti

The hard work has just begun: pushing for the best legislation

As the Government prepares to introduce abortion legislation, we explain how vitally important it is that activists stay involved and push for the best legislation – and provision – possible….

Kate and family

Why I’m Marching: For Our Future

We are getting so excited for the ARC March for Choice on Saturday September 29th. We have been sharing blogposts which describe what this March means to our members. In this…