Category Archives: Stigma

The home|work Collective

home|work Collective is a group of pro-choice activists engaged in a research and development process on themes of censorship and self-censorship with artist Siobhán Clancy and the Abortion Rights Campaign…

Come write for us

Before the last annual March for Choice we asked for you to share your story of coming to the March. The responses we got from a range of pro-choice people…

Ask me about my pro-choice activism: Angela Coraccio

Being involved in and caring about pro-choice activism sometimes feels gauche and illicit. It feels, ironically, unfeminine. I have often feared for my safety. As such, I don’t generally put…

International Transgender Day of Visibility

Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility, it has been celebrated on March 31st from 2009 and set up to be a positive counter point to Transgender Day of Remembrance…

Day 8: 8 Censored Books. 8 Days to Repeal the 8th

Final day of our 8 Censored Books where each day on the run up to our event with US author and journalist Katha Pollitt, Abortion Rights Campaign will be highlighting the 8…