Category Archives: Media

Abortion Rights Campaign hosts examination of abortion and censorship in Irish media

The Abortion Rights Campaign will host Too Loud a Silence: Abortion and Censorship in Irish Media – a screening of the controversial documentary 50,000 Secret Journeys followed by a panel…

Addressing information and abortion access with the Irish Deaf Community

RTÉ’s “Hands On”, a show for and by the Irish Deaf and hearing impaired community, covered abortion access in a 10 minute segment still currently available on the RTÉ player….

On Nollaig na Mban women are asking for a real break – a repeal to the 8th amendment

Issued by the Abortion Rights Campaign Monday 6th January 2014 Established in January 2013, the Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) has had a busy first year. We have been working hard…

BPAS serves notice to the Irish Government

On November 2nd  the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) placed the following notice in the Irish Times. They simultaneously engaged with their supporters (and detractors) across social media outlets using…

Alliance for Choice Press Release, 10th October 2013

Alliance for Choice Press Release, 10th October 2013. On Wednesday 9th October, the Northern Irish public learned the story of a brave woman, ‘Sarah’ who was refused an abortion at…