Tag Archives: OurNMH

Poster for the Our Maternity Hospital rally outside Leinster House on Saturday, May 14th. The text reads Make Our National Maternity Hospital Public and Secular Our Bodies Our Choices Our Rights Our Hospital #MakeNMHOurs Saturday 14th May 2pm - Rally at the Dáil

Press Release: National Maternity Hospital MUST be public and secular to protect reproductive rights, says Abortion Rights Campaign

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) fully supports the Our Maternity Hospital Campaign’s call for a secular National Maternity Hospital built on public land.  “Despite the Minister for Health’s assurances that…

Let’s Talk About: Why the National Maternity Hospital must be public and secular

On the 14th of May 2022, a large crowd is expected outside Leinster House to protest against the government’s plan to hand over our new National Maternity Hospital to a…

Why ARC supports the 26th June protest for public and secular ownership of our National Maternity Hospital

On the 26th of June, a large crowd is expected at an outdoor protest against the ongoing collaboration of Church and State in delivering maternity services in Ireland. The current…