May 28th 2013 International Day of Action for Women’s Health

AIMS Ireland, Doctors For Choice Ireland, National Women’s Council of Ireland, Real-Productive Health, Abortion Rights Campaign and YouAct are working together for International Day of Action on Women’s Health to call on the Irish government to ensure a comprehensive, high-quality, and integrated approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), including but not limited to:

*The recognition of the SRHR of young people, ensuring access to youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health information and services, as well as comprehensive sexuality education that is gender sensitive, non-discriminatory and life-skills based, in a manner consistent with the evolving capacity of adolescents and young people;

*The recognition of the sexual rights (including the right to pleasure) of all people, including those who are most marginalised;

*Universal access to a full range of voluntary contraceptive methods, including emergency contraception, that is of high quality and variety, is also user-friendly and appropriate to the needs of girls, adolescents and women, and ensures their confidentiality;

*Universal access to safe and legal abortion, urging governments to review and repeal laws that criminalise voluntary abortion, and remove all legal and implementation barriers to ensuring access to safe, comprehensive, free, sensitive and high-quality procedures for pregnancy termination, free of marital and/or parental consent requirements;

*The recognition of and respect for women’s reproductive rights regarding access, bodily integrity, autonomy, and decision-making in various contexts, Human Rights in Childbirth and New Reproductive Technologies, among others;

*The eradication of all forms of violence and discrimination based on age, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, occupation, class, ethnicity, religion, disability, migrant or HIV status, among other grounds.

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