Happy St. Brigid’s day at Imbolc

Happy St. Brigid’s day at Imbolc!


The need for bodily autonomy has a long history in Ireland and St. Brigid was one of Ireland’s first abortionists.

In early Celtic times, Imbolc was a time to celebrate the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Brigid was the Celtic Goddess of inspiration, healing, and smithcraft with associations to fire, the hearth and poetry. When Ireland was Christianised in the 5th century, the goddess Brigid festival was Christianised to become Saint Brigid’s Day.

Ireland has four saints who are recorded as openly and miraculously carrying out abortions, Brigid was the only female saint to carry them out.

We invite you to read more on the subject here:
Abortion in Medieval Ireland – Dr Gillian Kenny


#…Imbolc – The Beginning of Spring

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