Tell A Fine Gael TD: Day 4 Peter Mathews

Welcome to Day 4 of our Tell a Fine Gael TD. Check out the rest of the campaign here. We are focusing on one TD a day, telling them in…

Open Letter to TD Regina Doherty

As part of the *Tell a Fine Gael TD* Campaign, we’ve been encouraging people to use our template letters or write their own to tell the TD in question their…

Press Release: from Cork Womens Right to Chose

(released Saturday 11th May)  Cork Pro-Choice Alliance defy state censorship of information on abortion services Leafleting will provide banned information to women Cork Pro-Choice Alliance are distributing leaflets this Saturday on…

Tell A Fine Gael TD: Day 3 Regina Doherty

Welcome to Day 3 of the ARC *Tell a Fine Gael TD* campaign. Day 1 and Day 2 saw hundreds of personal letters and specific relevant messages going to TDs Creighton and Buttimer,…

Tell A Fine Gael TD: Day Two Jerry Buttimer

Day 1 of the *Tell a Fine Gael TD* campaign was a rousing success with pithy, heartfelt, and galvanizing messages being sent to Lucinda Creighton, and during the day Deputy…