Wicklow for Choice: The 8th and Healthcare – All you need to know

The Royal Hotel and Merrill Leisure Club Main St, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

This is a public information event about the 8th amendment to the Irish constitution and healthcare. It will be hosted by Wicklow for Choice in The Royal Hotel, Bray Speakers...

Sligo ARC Meeting

The next meeting of Repeal the 8th Sligo - Abortion Rights Campaign takes place on 24 October. Contact Sligo ARC through Facebook or email [email protected] to confirm attendance.

Voices for Choice Weekly Rehearsal

Jack Nealon's Bar 165 Capel St, Dublin, Ireland

Voices for Choice, the flash choir reworking pop songs with pro-choice lyrics, hold choir rehearsals every Wednesday - Open to everyone and every ability! After a post-March for Choice break, Voices...

Pro-Choice Wexford Open Meeting

The Pro-Choice Wexford October open meeting will celebrate a year of activism! We will be joined at Murphy's Barn by Ailbhe Smith, Convenor of the Coalition to Repeal the 8th...

National Vigils in Memory of Savita

Multiple Venues , Ireland

In response to a call for national solidarity from Galway Pro-Choice, the Abortion Rights Campaign and Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment groups will hold a number of vigils around the country to commemorate Savita...