Tag Archives: Citizens Assembly

Reality of the 8th Amendment in Ireland

The 8th Amendment severely limits the ability of women and pregnant people to obtain abortion services in the State. But the restrictions on their health doesn’t stop here. Did you…


Abortion Rights Campaign analysis of Saturday 7 January session of the Citizens’ Assembly

  As we have done before, this weekend we followed the livestream of the Citizens’ Assembly (CA) proceedings as they met for the second time to discuss the Eighth Amendment….

Citizens Assembly cover

Abortion Rights Campaign Submission to the Citizens’ Assembly

  The Abortion Rights Campaign is the largest grassroots pro-choice organisation in Ireland. In the attached document, which represents the first half of our submission, we have outlined the reasons…

Why I campaign for abortion rights

    One of our members shares with us their submission to the Citizens Assembly. Submissions are open until the 16th of December to anyone living in Ireland and Irish…

Share your story image

What an abortion provider would tell the Citizens Assembly

This story was shared with the [email protected] email address and posted here with permission.  I have many stories tell, but I none of them are my own. I am responsible…